Saturday, 17 March 2012

Albury to Melbourne

Well we are nearly on the last leg of our journey and we are getting into home mode...but we still have one week to go.  Albury was quite a quiet place, especially as we were 10 minutes drive from the town, but we decided to make the most of the pouring rain, yes we had rain and lots too..we went to the pictures to see John Carter.  Its a star trekky type fild with a few et lookalikes but it passed an afternoon.  We then went for dinner before returning to our motel,  yes yet another one.  Still  at least we had the next location to look forward to as we had booked it ourselves.

The journey to Melbourne was a bit fraught as we had to go through the flooded areas of the Murray river, and as it rained again last night we saw quite a bit of flooding.  We were going to a place called Enchuca near to Albury but the road was closed off and so instead of taking the diversion of 93km there and then 93km back...we decided to drive onto Melbourne.

We had to fight our way through very busy traffic as the hotel was the other side of Melbourne centre and we had to pass Albert Park, where the grand prix is taking place.  We actually heard the cars as we drove past, they were extremely noisy.  Unfortunately we could not get tickets at all so once we found our hotel on went the TV and we watched the qualifying round.  Good British result!  The hotel we have chosen is in a quiet suburb near to the sea.  It is fairly new and very comfortable, but is mainly a conference centre so no restaurant  or bar over the weekend, but there are plenty not 5 minutes away.  We are going to the beach tomorrow if the weather holds (its sunshine again!) and then back to watch the grand prix.  I will try and blog tomorrow with the days findings, but the hotel wi fi is not working so they have let me use their conference facilities.  We will also take some pictures of the coastal area.

We are also very near to Brighton beach!!with its little beach huts, so thats a place we will venture to tomorrow.

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