Wednesday, 14 March 2012


 An inland lake which has actually got water in it for the first time for 50 years!! You can't see much of it but there were a lot of locals taking photos for history!!
 On the telecom town, grabbing on the side for dear life.  Good views across Canberra.

 The parliament.  We went inside and had a guided tour and ended up sitting in on a debate in the House of Representatives (MP's). Just the same as UK no-one there just on MP spouting out to two other members!!
View of the telecom tower from Parliament.

It was an interesting day and very warm.
We went first to the Telecom tower and went up to the highest viewing point.  This took a lot of courage from me as I am not good with heights, but I feel that I have achieved something....the views were fabulous in the clear blue day.

We drove to the Parliament and had a free tour around.  We sat in on a debate which was quite boring actually, but we felt as though we should do it.  Their Chambers are split half and half like ours.  The first the Representatives, very British and the other the Senate, very American.  In fact Australia leans more to the American lifestyle than UK.

We then decided to have a quiet night in the hotel which made a nice change.  Tomorrow Albury.

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